Meet Tamás

Mød vores Supply Chain Coordinator

“Even though Schou is a major company in terms of its turnover and market position, it still feels like a family company where no-one is overlooked. I really like that.”

Tamás comes from Hungary and has lived in Denmark for 3½ years. He says that you can’t compare work here with work in Hungary. But he means it in a positive way! He also emphasises the atmosphere throughout the company and how valued he feels as part of the team, even though the Danish language is difficult.

Tamás’ works as our supply chain coordinator and his responsibilities include customs duties and duties on packaging and electronics. Tamás is highly detail-oriented. He says himself that he is a bit of a numbers nerd. He loves to solve tasks and design processes that make daily work easier for his colleagues.

“I love it when a solution that I have made can help others – no matter whether it’s a wee optimisation in an Excel sheet or a completely new designed task. It makes me very happy.”