Where there is action, there is waste

With another record year on the turnover front, a lot of new hires, and constant high speed through the year, it is vital to do a bit of a clean-up in every nook and cranny to prepare for the new year.
Following the old proverb “duty before pleasure”, we decided to call everyone in for a bit of New Year scrubbing followed by a much-deserved Christmas lunch.
All in all, it was a pleasant day with laughter, great food, and a few specks of dust left on the brain from the rigorous cleaning.
Following the old proverb “duty before pleasure”, we decided to call everyone in for a bit of New Year scrubbing followed by a much-deserved Christmas lunch.
All in all, it was a pleasant day with laughter, great food, and a few specks of dust left on the brain from the rigorous cleaning.