Meet our category key account manager

Mød vores Key Account Manager

“My job is to ensure growth and results in our areas Outdoor and Grill in the Norwegian market.

We are international group, and this provides the opportunity to collaborate between countries and departments to achieve synergy. It is a very exciting thing to have in common; namely collaborating on trends in our different markets in Europe.”

Hans Arne has worked as a category key account manager in our office in Norway for nine years. He particularly emphasises the importance of close dialogue and good relations with his customers. When he has an overview of the customer’s plans, a more effective collaboration can be achieved for both parties.

“Schou has many talented employees throughout the entire organisation. This provides a good basis and certainty that the products we provide to our customers are well-researched and adapted for our markets. Through daily dialogue with the purchasers in Denmark, we ensure that all the important information is communicated, and an optimal collaboration is achieved.”