
Vi arbejder hele tiden på, at gøre produktemballagen mere bæredygtig

Emballagen har først og fremmest til opgave at sikre, at varen er beskyttet under transport. Men i Schou er vi også meget opmærksomme på, at det er vigtigt at bruge så lidt emballage som muligt og ikke mindst at bruge den rigtige emballage.  Vi ændrer løbende på, hvilke typer af
materiale vi bruger og bestræber os på at bruge mere FSC-certificeret pap.
Indeni kasserne forsøger vi hele tiden at minimere mængden af plast og flamingo
til gavn for miljøet.

RGb all the way

Calling all gamers from around the world

- An exciting selection of high-quality gaming equipment, designed to give you the best gaming experience. Plug in and play.

Beautiful packaging that appeals to
The RGB generation.

Day - Nordic

The DAY Nordic packaging exudes simplicity, which is the special characteristic of this product range.
Feel alive

Alive's packaging features bright, static colors, detailed product images on calm backgrounds, functional symbols and simple branding, where the products are in focus.

It is user-friendly technology that stands out on
the shelves.

Back to school

Here we have created a strong packaging that, with its cool design, is aimed at students and schoolchildren.

We have developed a distinctive color palette with tone-on-tone nuances, which is repeated in both the product and packaging.

Designed for your safety

This packaging displays the range of security products in an informative and visually appealing way and focuses on creating a sense of security. The functions and the clear presentation of important information makes it stands out.


Designed for work
Practical solutions

Practical storage solutions in bold design and eye-catching packaging. The large text with images showing the use of the product and the simple design make it easy for customers to find exactly what they need.

Help your garden grow

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gardener, Grouw has all the tools you need - good quality at the right price.
The packaging design is aimed at homeowners who need high-quality garden tools.

Keeps the garden tidy

Adano's packaging features bold letters, green tones, and the functionality of the product. The designer collaborated closely with the customer and proofed the design directly with sales and purchasing to achieve a great result.

A box full of coziness

The packaging oozes coziness with its deep blue tones and warm, inviting images of the products.

Clear branding and functional icons complete the elegant design and make it an inviting experience.


Alive's packaging for batteries presents the range with
vibrant colours, easy-to-read branding and clear symbols that indicate battery type and size.


Mitsutomo's packaging for craftsmen is designed in strong gray and red colors and displays product images and power supply information.

Practical graphics with information help to choose the perfect tool for any job.