Meet our Product Developer

Mød vores Product Developer

"I appreciate working in a family-owned company where culture and people are important. The culture bears the mark of a pride that I value. I feel that it is possible to fly high if the wings can carry.”

Lone started as a product developer at Schou in the summer of 2020. Her main focus is the development of new products based on trends and customer-specific wishes. A large part also consists of price negotiation and ensuring that the showroom is ready for our sales meetings.

"I love working creatively with shape and color in the development of new products and collections. My everyday life is very independent, but we are also good at helping each other in the department. It's like a good sports team where we play each other well. I will go to great lengths to help a colleague, and I feel it goes both ways. We work with respect for each other and celebrate the victories we have.”