"Increased recycling is a matter of heart for our company", says Gotfred Christiansen.

”Øget genanvendelse er en hjertesag for vores virksomhed”, udtaler Gotfred Christiansen.

The Climate Partnership for Trade proposes a joint effort for increased recycling of product materials. This must be done, among other things, through requirements for suppliers.

"Increased recycling is a matter of heart for our company. Many products contain a large variety of plastics and other materials that are not recycled today. But increased use of recycled plastics and other materials can be promoted via new collaborations, supplier requirements and common standards. This As a small player in the global community, we find it difficult to lift ourselves," says Gotfred Christiansen, CEO of Schou, and emphasizes: "It is therefore important to have a joint effort at least at EU level to, to the greatest extent possible, to standardize the materials used for all types of consumer goods and thus support an increased recycling of materials.”

On Dansk Erhverv's website you can read all of the Climate Partnership's proposals, just as you can find an overview of prioritized recommendations here